How To Instant Read Anyone’s 🧠

Morning Slap
4 min readDec 26, 2020


How superb would it be if you were in possession of the ability to read someone in any situation solely by relying on a single glance in their body language. Would you want to add this skill to your arsenal?

You will be able to easily identify which of your friends really care about you, boost your confidence when facing another person, and many other advantages. How great would it be to know what the person in front of you is thinking about?

I have read plenty of books to find out about it so that you don’t have to. Keep scrolling to find out how you can read anyone instantly 😉

Morning Slap: Reading Mode On.

The staring game

Want to know if someone is observing your face? All you need to do is yawn. Not only they are contagious, but if someone yawns right after seeing you do so, it may be a clear indication that they were looking at your face, and that triggered the remarkable sleeping call. 😴 Just imagine yourself looking at your best friend after something funny happened. The same concept can be applied to individuals who are attracted to each other; they will instinctively look at each other when something humorous or good happens!

Morning Slap: Peak A Boo

Legs and Tootsies

Your feet will never lie to you! In a body-lingual context, legs and feet are the most honest in expressing their “feelings” about something. Close your eyes and imagine yourself telling an interesting story to somebody. If you want to know how interested they are in what you have to say don’t look up but look down! The answer lies in the direction their feet are pointing at and two possible answers can come out: if their feet are facing you, it means that you have caught their interest. If they are facing the opposite direction, it would be wise to change the subject ASAP unless you want to see them starting to give you this face: 😒 Another thing is swinging the feet, this is something not only kids do but adults as well and it can mean that they are anxious about something.

Morning Slap: Pointie Toe

Arm and Hand Gestures

It’s nothing uncommon to see someone crossing their arms, or playing with their wrist accessories such as a watch or bracelet. I can bet you a thousand muffins you’ve done that too at least once in your lifetime! 😆 Jokes aside, this is a very common gesture that indicates discomfort or nervousNESS.

You might want to pat your pal’s shoulder next time you have a serious talk with them and you see them crossing their arms or fidgeting with their watches, you will surely make them feel more comfortable with some kindness!

But beware, the accuracy of this gesture may not always be due to stress, they might just feel cold than usual or maybe they are just checking the time! 😂

Morning Slap: Where is my cookie!?

Facial Expressions

Attempting to read someone’s facial expression does two things: you obtain a vague signal, and you also lose focus on other body parts as you are putting your focus solely on reading the face only. It’s very important to remember that facial expressions present a conclusive deduction only after having examined a couple more body gestures, which then strengthens the final judgment. A simple example can be to examine a person who is smiling and puts their hands up in a gravity-defying stance, but later on, drops their arms and only smiles without frowning their brows. This is a common indication that the person had a change of mood shortly after having a blast in their mind. Don’t rely solely on the face, focus on everything else and the face!

Morning Slap: Can you read me now?

4 rules you need to remember in order to read someone's mind:

This is because simply looking at signs is not enough to make an accurate conclusion.

Rule 1: Look for multiple body signs to come to a conclusion.

Rule 2: Look for sudden changes in someone.

Rule 3: Make sure to check the surroundings and the setting the person is in before making a judgment.

Rule 4: Focus on the ability to read mixed signals.

Hope you liked our daily dose of Morning Slap. Want to know more about reading people? Check out “Lie to me” a TV show that has inspired the research put for writing this article.

Ohh, don't forget the clap if you liked it!! 👏

